Contribution Submission
Step 1 of 4: Information on the contribution submission
This abstract submission system allows you to submit a contribution to "Göttingen 2025". The submission procedure takes four steps. Your contribution is properly submitted after performing all the steps only. You will get a proper success message online and by email.
The online submission system properly handles numerous special characters. Details are available at the information page on special characters. Optionally you can also create mathematical symbols and formulas via LaTeX. Unfortunately some characters will get a special meaning once LaTeX is activated and the characters need to be replaced by proper code. You may also use a local LaTeX installation for abstract preparation. In case of problems with the online submission system technical support is available at
Please take care of the following hints:
- Do not use CAPITAL WORDS for example in author names or the title (except for common acronyms).
- Be sure to not exchange the first name and the surname. Otherwise you will be listed by your first name in the author index.
- Prefer to use full first names. Middle initials can be added after the first name. Do not state academic titles.
- There is no direct length limit for the abstract text itself. Instead there is an overall size limitation of 25 lines in the final format for the contribution including title, authors, and affiliations. In typical cases this allows for an abstract text to have about 200 words. You can try out the following form and check yourself, whether your contribution fits the length limit. If your abstract exceeds the available space, it is shown how much needs to be cut.
- Do not misuse the LaTeX functionality to alter the font. However it is acceptable to use single italic words or the usual bold notation for volume numbers in citiations. Do not create empty vertical space. Do not use "\\" to create line breaks. Use empty lines to separate paragraphs in your input.
Alternative 1: Restore an already filled form
It is possible to fill out a contribution form and to create a format test but instead of submitting the contribution right away you can download your data in form of a LaTeX file. Using this file you can then later on restore the filled form.
Alternative 2: Modify an already submitted abstract
In the exceptional case an already submitted contribution needs to be modified, please fill in the key for modification you received during the contribution submission. Modifications to an already submitted contribution are not possible until 8 hours past the submission.
Alternative 3: Collaboration definition
Collaborations are useful to collect large author lists used in several submissions. You need to create the collaboration first before it can be used in the contribution submission. However a collaboration can still be modified while its already attached to some contributions.